EU Packaging & Waste Directive

The objectives of the Regulation are to prevent the generation of packaging waste, boost high quality recycling and making all packaging on the EU market recyclable by 2030 and to reduce the need for primary natural resources and create a well functioning market for secondary raw materials.  Applicability: 2024 (TBD)

EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting

Introduces more detailed reporting requirements on companies’ impact on the environment, human rights, and social standards, as well as governance factors based on common criteria in line with EU’s climate goals. Applicability: Reporting obligations as of 2024 – 2026 with sectoral standards TBD.

The European Green Deal

The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU’s climate, energy, transport, and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement. Read more here.

EU Green Claims Directive

The initiative will require companies to substantiate claims they make about the environmental footprint of their products by using standard methods for quantifying them.

The aim is to make the claims reliable, comparable and verifiable across the EU – reducing ‘greenwashing’. Expected entry into force after 2024.

Section 301 Tariff Lists

Check here to see the most updated Section 301 tariff lists, to see if the tariffs apply to you.

The SEC Climate Disclosure Rule

In 2010, SEC staff issued guidance stating that climate change could impact business operations as it carries material risks that affect financial performance, and anything that could impact financial performance should be communicated to investors. The rule will provide specific guidance to publicly-traded companies regarding how they communicate their climate-related risks. Now is the time to ensure your company’s emissions tracking and climate strategy are robust, accurate, actionable, and audit-ready. This new rule will be published in Fall 2023.

FTC Green Guides

The Federal Trade Commission’s Green Guides are designed to help marketers avoid making environmental claims that mislead consumers. The next revision will be made in 2024.

REI Product Impact Standards Resources

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The Rest of the Iceberg: Supply Chains and Climate Change

Presenters: Erika Kazi, Head of Sustainability Services, flaik

Chris Vanderbilt, Procurement Consultant

Net zero and climate action efforts are vastly ignoring an opportunity to not only reduce their impact on the environment but also promote long lasting societal impacts through supply chain mitigation. Also, gain insight into how your organization can begin to understand and mitigate risks to your supply chain to ensure continuation of business.

Phasing out PFAS (a.k.a. PFC’s) from Snowsports Products

Presenters: Laura Hoch, Material Innovation, Patagonia

Todd Copeland, Copeland Consultancy LLC

SIA will host a discussion about how brands are phasing out PFAS (also known as PFC’s) from their products in anticipation of new and emerging state-level regulations. Join us for a chance to learn from one another about this evolving landscape of imminent bans and reporting requirements on products containing PFAS.